The effects of a break up can be absolutely devastating, and the pain caused by the break up nothing less than excruciating. Times like these can really test the will and endurance to simply exist, but you're much stronger than you realize, so climb up off the pity pot and discover how to get an ex back the best way possible.
I'm not suggesting that it's easy getting over the initial shock of the actual break up by no means, but what I am saying is that partying with your misery is not going to help any when it comes to fixing it. Work on you and get yourself in shape for the upcoming task at hand, a no nonsense effort to get your ex back. First think about what caused the break up, determine if it's something that can be fixed by you and if it is, fix it. Build your self confidence during this time so that when you do finally approach your ex it will be almost like meeting a better you.
Here is something else I want you to consider, this is extremely detrimental to your well being. Is your ex worth the trouble you're going through to get them back?, I mean I don't want you to discount the fact that your ex may not deserve another chance with you. Now is the time to really sort these things out and focus on yourself so you can better determine what future actions you want to take. If your ex does not want to be in a relationship with you for no other reason than that, you are going to have to come to terms with that and learn to accept it.
Once you have a clear understanding of what happened in your relationship you can begin to heal and move forward, and if you still think that getting your ex back is the right thing to do at least your perspective will be a lot clearer. Just remember, in life when one opportunity seems to be lost ten more will present themselves, all I'm saying is keep an open mind but if you must have your ex back read further to find out the best course of action.
After you've given you and your ex some time to think about things and you have strengthened yourself you can now make some kind of casual contact, just to let that person know that you are here if they need you and keep it at that, don't go for the jugular you have to slowly test the waters to see where this person's head is at. When they see you as the caring individual that you are and realize that you have made an honest effort to change your chances of a reunion will be greatly increased.
Please look for an update to this post in the nearest future, we will continue to explain how to get an ex back painlessly. In the mean time Go here to get more solid information that will ensure you get your ex back success...Good luck
Get an Ex Back Discover How to Get an Ex Back Painlessly